I left all of the rates for needs,skills and careers alone since cat people don't really learn faster or slower or anything like that. Your sims will love taking cat naps, watching tv and hugging Also they get a special moodlet from owning a cat This trait makes your lazy with the benefit of always being playful and not dying Autonomy, needs, careers, or relationships are unaffected by this mod.Finally got a new apartment and internet again! So happy to get back in the swing of things and keeping my traits updated! Sims with the spiritual trait will build the wellness skill and the arts related skills (singing, guitar, painting, etc.) 1.5x faster than other sims. This mod adds a new custom trait to the Emotional category- The Violent trait The Sims 4 Help Center can now be found here. Both of these words bring up ideas of villainous, abusive people that most people.

It also won’t affect relationships with other sims. Sims 4 Updates: Mod The Sims - Mods / Traits: Sociopath Trait by Kialauna.

– Whims aren’t affected by this trait, however running interactions will create new buffs – For example, things like playing music and singing will make your sim happy or inspired. – Patch information – current patch (PC 1. – No additional requirements other than the official base game and Spa Day. – Required expansion packs: Sims 4 Spa Day Most of the effects last between 2 and 4 hours. inspired, focused, happy, confident etc.). Activities such as doing yoga, meditating, woo-hooing, and playing music will give your sim various (extreme) positive buffs (i.e. This mod contains 2 new traits for your sims. – The Spiritual trait is a trait that makes the activities associated with the wellness skill more enjoyable for your sim. In Whicked Whims it's just consensual sex (between adults, at least). I mean, it's just a game, but you can literally brainwash someone unwilling into becoming your obedient sex slave. Probably Sims 4, Nisa's Wicked Perversions mod. Teen+ sims can have the trait, and it affects game-play mainly in the area of buffs (see function). At least drinking can get you drunk in the game. It is a standalone trait, that you’ll see along with the regular EA traits in Create-A-Sim. I designed it to allow sims to mimic the sort of new-age spirituality that has become pretty popular in the last few decades. Take a look at my WCIF drew Shivers thread. Im looking for a good Psychopath / Sociopath mod that acts as a good substitute for the base games weak 'Evil' trait. Make sure you’ve enabled Mods / CC in your game Traits shown below are listed in alphabetical order. Psychopathy / Sociopathy Trait Mod I remember seeing a Sociopath trait for the Sims 4 a long time ago but I cant find it anymore. package file trait just place it in the Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods folder. – The Spiritual trait is an emotional trait for sims. Installing these custom traits is pretty easy. Violent Sims are almost always angry and become angry easily.